Thursday, 31. october, 2019
Event Info
Time: 9.00-16.00
Place: Latvian Academy of Culture
On Thursday, October 31, 2019 - at the main hall of the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street) – The Plenary Session of the conference “Culture Crossroads XIII”. This year the plenary session of the conference is devoted to the head topic ‘The Crossing of Borders: Research-based Art and Arts-based Research’. Presenters of the Plenary Sessions are invited to explore the diverse forms of interaction and synergy between arts and research, either based on theoretical concepts (artistic research, arts-based research, art as research, social art, etc.), or based on their cultural, artistic and creative experiences. Both researchers and practitioners are invited to reflect on theoretical, methodological and practical issues originating in points of difference in artistic research and arts-based research approaches and strategies, thus allowing the application of art at different research stages, including the application of creative research and visual research methods. What is more, art practitioners will share their experiences on developing new concepts, methods and approaches of research within the creative process, which leads to new and innovative ideas.
This year, the head topic of the conference is ‘The Crossing of Borders: Research-based Art and Arts-based Research’. The conference will take place from October 29 until November 1, 2019 in the Theatre House of the Latvian Academy of Culture ‘Zirgu Pasts’ (46 Dzirnavu Street, Riga, Latvia) and the National Library of Latvia (3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, Latvia). The conference is organized by the LAC Research Centre.