6th International Conference on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
On October 17 and 18 the 6th International Conference on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language will be held at the Latvian Academy of Culture (Zirgu Pasts). The event is organized by the Department of Cross-cultural Communication and Modern Languages with the aim to offer a multicultural environment to promote the research on language acquisition and the exchange of innovative teaching proposals. This year the Conference program joins together professors from the University of Bergamo (Italy), University of Alicante (Spain), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Harvard (United States) and the Latvian Academy of Culture among others.
In the opening ceremony Dr. sc. soc. Ilona Kunda (Research Center of the Latvian Academy of Culture) will present the volume 15 of the scientific journal Culture Crossroads, whose editors-in-chief are Dr. phil. Ana León-Manzanero (Latvian Academy of Culture) and Dr. phil. Iban Mañas Navarrete (University of Barcelona). It is a special issue in Spanish containing articles which are representatives of the main research lines presented at the Conference over the five previous years. The authors belong to institutions from Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russian Federation and Spain, which highlights the motto underlying the volume: teaching and learning Spanish for cross-cultural communication.