Become the ambassador of film and media literacy for education!
In the context of 21st century skills and competencies the approach for teaching future generations is changing rapidly with media, information as well as film literacies being among the most necessary to acquire. While children get acquainted with technologies and media at an ever-younger age, the ability to analyse, evaluate as well as to create quality media content is something to be taught with the help of teachers and tutors starting already in primary school.
The Latvian Academy of Culture and the University of Latvia together with partners from Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark and Finland are inviting teachers of general education to apply for a competence development seminar FAME. TAKE 2 (Film and Media for Education) focusing on the acquisition of film and media literacy and their integration into the school curriculum.
It is a great opportunity to not only keep up with the changes in education and learn the latest teaching methods, but also to become the ambassador of film and media literacy for education at your local school, in your local city and even throughout the country.
The target audience of the seminar are teachers of general education representing all disciplines and fields of study, as the information and materials offered within the seminar are universal and can be integrated into any subject, be it history, literature, math or sciences.
To apply for the seminar, you need to fill out an application form and answer the following question about your motivation to become an ambassador of film and media literacy.
The seminar takes place on October 22 and 23, 2019 at the National Library of Latvia (3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, Latvia). All expenses such as travelling and accommodations, as well as all lunch breaks and several social events are covered by the organizers. The working language for the seminar is English.
Full seminar programme and detailed workshop descriptions will be published and sent out after the application period.
The application deadline is September 16, 2019.
For applications and further information: kristine.bramberga@lka.edu.lv
GET INSPIRED ... by speeches from world-renowned experts in the field of film and media literacy for education | GAIN KNOWLEDGE ... in innovative and creative workshops that incorporate the use of media and film both as a teaching tool and a method | GIVE BACK ... by becoming an ambassador for film and media literacy and spreading the knowledge among your peers in your own school, city and country |