Call for papers for "Culture crossroads"
Call for papers for "Culture crossroads", Journal of the Research Centre at the Latvian Academy of Culture
We kindly invite researchers to send in their articles for publishing in Journal of the Research Centre at the Latvian Academy of "Culture Crossroads".
Submission deadline is May 3, 2019. Announcement for call for papers here http://www.culturecrossroads.lv/en/submission .
Culture Crossroads is an international peer-reviewed journal published online by the Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture. It is an open access publication whose content is available to anyone for free. The goal of Culture Crossroads is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of art and creativity with emphasis on the potential of a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. It is targeted on the most topical issues and discussion points in culture studies and arts. More information about focus and scope of the journal here http://www.culturecrossroads.lv/en/izdevuma-politika#merki-un-virziens .
Guidelines for papers can be found here http://www.culturecrossroads.lv/en/vadlinijas-autoriem .
Please send articles to e-mail culturecrossroads@lka.edu.lv
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact editorial assistant ance.kristala@lka.edu.lv.
Culture crossroads homepage www.culturecrossroads.lv