Call for papers for Culture Crossroads, Journal of the Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture
We kindly invite researchers to send in their papers for publishing in the Special Issue on Impacts of Arts and Cultural Education for the international peer-reviewed journal Culture Crossroads (http://www.culturecrossroads.lv).
The submission deadline is September 15, 2020.
Culture Crossroads
Culture Crossroads is an international peer-reviewed journal published online by the Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture. The goal of the research journal Culture Crossroads is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of arts and culture with emphasis on the potential of a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. The main focus of the journal is on the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes as well as on the synergy between these and other domains of national economy, politics and social life. It explores the most topical issues and discussion points in culture studies and arts.
Culture Crossroads is an open access publication. The journal is indexed in the following international databases: ERIH PLUS, EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate), ULRICH'S and Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).
Special Issue on Impacts of Arts and Cultural Education
In the last two decades, considerable evidence has been accumulated on the multiple benefits of cultural and arts education for children, young people and adults – contributing to their innovation capacity, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking skills, improving mental health of individuals, cohesion of communities and more. Arts and cultural education is increasingly discussed not only in terms of intrinsically valuable personal development of individuals, but as a broader societal issue, e.g. of social justice: as a right to equal access to opportunities vital for life and work in the 21st century.
However, access to high quality arts and cultural education differs across countries. It is precisely that part of the education system which tends to suffer cuts whenever political decisions have to be made on resource allocation. Therefore, it is critical that scholars, makers of cultural policy and practitioners constantly revisit the role of arts and cultural education, seeking the strongest arguments and evidence for the development of arts and cultural education. It is necessary to highlight tools that enable equal access to its opportunities, and content that furthers the attainment of goals that are vital to individuals and societies, as well as effective ways of communicating the outcomes of arts and cultural education to the relevant stakeholders.
The main aim of the Special Issue is to explore and highlight the multiple benefits and roles of arts and cultural education on an individual, community and national level. We welcome submissions on the following (non-limiting) themes:
• The diverse impacts and roles of arts and cultural education (social, cultural, economic, individual, collective, etc.);
• Effective communication of the impacts of arts and cultural education to the general public and cultural policy-makers;
• Assessment of specific policy instruments or initiatives in cultural and art education.
All articles should comply with the ‘Guidelines for Authors’. You can find the information on the guidelines and requirements here: http://www.culturecrossroads.lv/en/vadlinijas-autoriem. Articles should be submitted in English and they must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Please send articles to email address culturecrossroads@lka.edu.lv
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact The Special Issue co-editor Baiba Tjarve, baibatj@gmail.com
The submission deadline is September 15, 2020.