Call for papers for the international research conference "Culture Crossroads XIII"
All researchers and practitioners in the field of culture and arts are invited to submit their applications for the international research conference of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Culture Crossroads XIII” in order to share their research findings, conclusions and suggestions in the field. The application deadline is October 14, 2019. This year, the head topic of the conference is ‘The Crossing of Borders: Research-based Art and Arts-based Research’. The conference will take place from October 29 until November 1, 2019 in the Theatre House of the Latvian Academy of Culture ‘Zirgu Pasts’ (46 Dzirnavu Street, Riga, Latvia) and the National Library of Latvia (3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, Latvia). The conference is organized by the LAC Research Centre.
The programme of the conference will include several events.
On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 - at the Ziedonis Hall of the National Library of Latvia (3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, Latvia) – The Latvian premiere of the folk Oratorio ‘Rivers of our Being’.
The performance, drawing on European folk musical traditions, is the representation and also the interpretation of the research results of the international research project CoHERE (funded by the European Union programme for research and innovation “Horizon 2020”) carried out from 2016 to 2019. The oratorio is composed by the Latvian ethnomusicologist Valdis Muktupāvels and produced by the Latvian Academy of Culture with performance by the mixed choir of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Sōla”.
On Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - at the main hall of the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street) – The International Day of the conference “Culture Crossroads XIII” (working language: English)
During the international session of the conference researchers from all over the world will share their methodological insights and research-based experiences on synergies between art and research, thus initiating the theme of ‘Crossing Borders: Research-based Art and Arts-based Research’. Among the presenters there will be partners from the international research project CoHERE (Prof. Chris Whitehead, the University of Newcastle and Máiréad Nic Craith, Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh) as well as other international researchers.
On Thursday, October 31, 2019 - at the main hall of the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street) – The Plenary Session of the conference “Culture Crossroads XIII”
This year the plenary session of the conference is devoted to the head topic ‘The Crossing of Borders: Research-based Art and Arts-based Research’. Presenters of the Plenary Sessions are invited to explore the diverse forms of interaction and synergy between arts and research, either based on theoretical concepts (artistic research, arts-based research, art as research, social art, etc.), or based on their cultural, artistic and creative experiences. Both researchers and practitioners are invited to reflect on
theoretical, methodological and practical issues originating in points of difference in artistic research and arts-based research approaches and strategies, thus allowing the application of art at different research stages, including the application of creative research and visual research methods. What is more, art practitioners will share their experiences on developing new concepts, methods and approaches of research within the creative process, which leads to new and innovative ideas.
On Friday, November 1, 2019 - at the Theatre House of the Latvian Academy of Culture “Zirgu Pasts” (46 Dzirnavu Street) – The Break-out Sessions of the conference “Culture Crossroads XIII”
All researchers and practitioners in the field of culture and arts are invited to apply and take part in the break-out sessions of the conference and share their research findings, conclusions and suggestions in nine different sessions:
- Sociology of culture, arts and communication. Cultural education, Culture and Media literacy, Culture in Digital and Social Media.
- Performing Arts
- Folklore Studies, Ethnology, Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Heritage and Heritage Institutions
- Culture Management and Leadership, Cultural Policy, Culture Economics, Creative Entrepreneurship and Creative Industries
- Audiovisual Art. Wanted: Aloizs Brencs
- Cultural and Intercultural Communication and the Significance of Language in Culture
- Visual and Fine Art
- Literature and Translation
In order to apply for the Break-out Session of the conference “Culture Crossroads XIII” please fill out online application form by October 14, 2019.
We kindly ask you to attach your photo as well for publicity purposes. Summaries of the conference papers will be published in the collection of abstracts “International research conference Culture Crossroads 2019”. Presentation timing is 20 minutes (questions included). All submitted papers and reports will be reviewed, thus the number and content of the break-out sessions can change accordingly. Participation in the conference is free of charge.
After the conference, participants are invited to submit their research articles for the international peer-reviewed journal “Crossroads: Research in Arts and Culture” (assigned with an ISSN number) and/or “Culture Crossroads” (indexed in EBSCO and ULRICH’S databases, http://www.culturecrossroads.lv).
In the focus of the LAC Research Centre is the interdisciplinary of research in culture and arts phenomena. During its twelve years of existence, the annual international conference "Culture Crossroads" has become a traditional “autumn event” of the Latvian Academy of Culture. The multidisciplinary programme of the conference is attractive not only to experienced researchers, but also to students, field experts and practitioners, as well as to any creative person. Each year the programme allows to
reach the set aim of the conference, which is to develop a communicative platform for the approbation of the latest research achievements in the field of culture and arts.
The mission of the conference is to present the research achievements on internationally topical issues, which are significant for Latvia as well, in the field of culture and arts, to encourage academic discussion on the importance and social responsibility of cultural, artistic and creative processes within the period of political, economic and demographic change.
A particular challenge for the organizers of the conference is the integration of research and creative work into the reflection on the phenomenon of culture, especially now, when researchers are crossing boundaries and expanding connection space for art and research.
The conference encourages particularly – but not exclusively – applications on the following themes:
Main theme of the section: Traditional and contemporary manifestations of cultural and artistic phenomena, their transformations in different societies, local and global cultural practices, the diversity of cultural operators (state, municipalities, NGOs, commercial sector) and their models of participation and involvement, discrimination and accessibility barriers to culture in culture based societies, the diversity and interdisciplinarity of cultural processes and events, audience segments, cultural needs, cultural consumption and forms of participation, the life of culture and art in digital and social media, the specifics of the research of creativity, the diversity of cultural and artistic research approaches, the interdisciplinarity of research disciplines in cultural and artistic studies; cultural education and the application of the concept ‘literacies’ in cultural studies: cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, film literacy, etc.
The place of arts and culture in society, politics and media has always been a complicated, ambiguous, and ambivalent one, yet at the same time also very personal and rooted in each individual freedom and experience. We encourage researchers from different fields (such as cultural studies, sociology, political sciences, law, communication studies) to share their research results on cultural and artistic processes in society, the specific manifestations in different communities and social groups; the echo of cultural and artistic events in the media; the availability of culture and the satisfaction of audiences with the existing cultural supply, cultural education the development of diverse forms of ‘literacies’ in the cultural environment.
Within the session there will also be a seminar hosted by the postdoctoral researcher Maija Spuriņa "Should a researcher of humanities know how to use their computer?".
Main theme of the section: Contemporary performance art for the contemporary audience
We are inviting researchers and practitioners in the field to share their observations, insights and reflections on the trends and reception of contemporary theatre and contemporary dance both in Latvia and abroad. Taking into consideration that 2019 is the 20th anniversary of Contemporary Dance programme at the Latvian Academy of Culture, as well as the establishment of the national Dance Prize for the first time in 2018, thus emphasizing the independence and topicality of this artistic field, we strongly encourage reflections on contemporary dance, its criticism and reception. Researchers from other fields of art are also invited to reflect on the phenomena of contemporary performing arts.
Main theme of the section: The lost local tradition, can we recognize it?
Can a local tradition disappear and can we recognize a lost tradition or the fact that it has disappeared?
We invite participants to share their research results and reflections on lost local traditions, their former tangible and intangible expressions, the recognition and identification of these traditions both in the past and nowadays, on the survival or transformations of relics, and on the possibilities and results of exploring and recording these traditions.
We anticipate reflections on a wide variety of lost traditions in folkloristics, ethnology, archaeology, ethnography and cultural anthropology both in the past and nowadays.
Main theme of the section: Challenges of operating memory institutions in the 21st century, the role of communities and society as a whole in the management of cultural heritage, ethical issues in working with cultural heritage.
We invite representatives of cultural heritage institutions, practitioners and heritage researchers to share their experience and research achievements on the topical practices, experiences and innovations on preserving and promoting cultural heritage both in Latvia and abroad, on the conceptualisation of cultural heritage and on the theoretical development and understanding as well as the involvement of local communities in the identification, use and communication of the values of cultural heritage.
In particular, we welcome researchers and representatives of memory institutions to share their insight in the challenges that memory institutions face in the 21st century, as well as examples of good practices, how these challenges can be overcome. We also invite participants to talk about the aspects of heritage communication, including work with the audience and communities and the ethical aspects and issues in working with cultural heritage.
Main theme of the section: The development of the cultural and creative sector, the processes of culture management and marketing, the operation and organisational leadership of cultural organisations, the challenges of cultural policy, the development of cultural economics, the perspectives for the development of creative entrepreneurship and creative industries.
We encourage practitioners in the field of culture management and creative industries as well as researcher in humanities and social sciences to share their research achievements, observations and reflections on the development of cultural and creative sector, the operation and organisational leadership of cultural organizations, human resource and talent management, audience development and marketing, branding, event management, business models of creative industries, lifestyle entrepreneurship and other topics related to the management of creative sector.
Main theme of the section: Case Description. In June 2019, film director Aloizs Brencs would have celebrated his 90th anniversary. More widely known as the founding father of the Latvian detective film genre, Aloizs Brencs has also shot documentaries, historical dramas and TV series. The commemorative events of the anniversary such as the restoration of his films, discussions, lectures and articles serve as evidence that there are still many research opportunities and questions to be asked on Aloizs Brencs and his films, as well as on contemporary cinema in Latvia and abroad.
We are inviting researchers and practitioners to apply for the conference with presentations on the following (and other) topics:
- Detective genre in Latvian cinema
- Space and time in the films of Aloizs Brencs
- Actors in the films of Aloizs Brencs
- Gender representation in crime films
- Music and detectives
- An art object as an object of desire
- Investigating the phenomenon of Nordic Noir
- The possibilities and challenges of producing Crime films
- The crime genre in literature and the challenges of screen adaptations, etc.
Main theme of the section: Cultural communication in education, culture, diplomacy, creative industries, the culture in language and the language in culture.
We encourage researchers and practitioners in the field to share their original research results and reflections on the issues and different aspects of cultural and intercultural communication, on possible solutions and their applicability in successful cooperation.
We also invite researchers, who study the interdisciplinary aspects of connections and interactions among language, culture and creativity, as well as other significant topics related to cultural and intercultural communication.
Main theme of the section: Interaction and connection between research and art. The social functions of art.
The session invites researchers and artists of visual and fine arts to reflect on the relationship between fine arts and research throughout history. In order to characterize the role of research in visual art, we are particularly looking forward to presentations on the shift of focus for research on visual art, its methodological and technological diversity in the 21st century. We are also encouraging reflections on artists' focus on amateur research, as well as discussions on the social functions of art.
Main theme of the section: Perception and interpretation of literary works in different contexts; the shift in the functions of literature and its use nowadays.
We encourage researchers of different fields to look at connections between fiction and visuality – the importance of visualization in the reading process, the visual and graphic elements in texts, the visualization of literary texts in everyday life, in learning process and in digital environment; to examine the interaction and the shift of functions between images and written text; to explore the isuue of visuality in literary translations.
For more information contact:
Aija Lūse,
Coordinator of the conference
Latvian Academy of Culture
E-mails: aija.luse@lka.edu.lv
Phone numbers:
(+371) 67114807
(+371) 29107218