Call for papers for the special edition of the international research journal Culture Crossroads, vol.13, of the Latvian Academy of Culture
The Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC Research Centre) kindly invites researchers to submit their articles, presented at the international conference Poetics and Politics of History in Film and Theatre, for the international peer-reviewed journal Culture Crossroads(http://www.culturecrossroads.lv).
The goal of the research journal Culture Crossroads is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of arts and culture with emphasis on the potential of a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. The main focus of the journal is on the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes as well as on the synergy between them and other domains of national economy, politics and social life. It is targeted on the most topical issues and discussion points in culture studies and arts.
Culture Crossroads includes articles in the fields of ethnology, theory of culture, semiotics, cultural anthropology, museology, cultural heritage, management of culture, sociology of culture and art, cultural economics (including creative industries), cultural policies, audio-visual art, performing arts, dance, theory of literature, musicology, law, linguistics, or other domains of culture studies and arts.
The journal is indexed in the international databases: EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate), ULRICH'S and Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).
All aplications should be sent to zpc@lka.edu.lv.
Deadline for submissions is 15 February, 2019.
All articles should comply with the ‘guidelines for authors’. You can find the information on the guidelines and requirements here: http://www.culturecrossroads.lv/en/vadlinijas-autoriem or in the attachment below. Articles should be submitted only in English and they must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Dārta Ceriņa (cerina.darta@gmail.com), Research Assistant at The LAC Research Centre.