International scientific conference "Culture crossroads X", November 2–5, 2016
Riga, Latvian Academy of Culture, November 2–5, 2016
Traditionally, the papers presented at the “Culture Crossroads” conference cover various topics and issues related to the fields of culture and the arts. This year it is envisaged to hold the conference in six thematic sections:
- Folklore Studies, Ethnology, Archaeology, and Cultural Anthropology;
- Sociology of Culture and Art, Cultural Policy, Cultural Communication in the Media;
- Cultural Management and Creative Industries;
- Performing Arts and Audiovisual Arts;
- Intercultural Communication and Significance of Language in Culture;
- Literature and Translation.
In order to apply for participation at the “Culture Crossroads X” conference, please send in the completed application form to the e-mail zpc@lka.edu.lv before October 7, 2016. We kindly ask you to attach your photo for the reasons of providing publicity for the conference.
Summaries of the conference papers will be published in the Starptautiska zinātniskā konference “Kultūras Krustpunkti X”. Konferences tēžu krājums (“International Scientific Conference Culture Crossroads X: The collection of abstracts”) edition.
Presentation timing is 20 minutes (questions included). Working languages are Latvian and English. Participation is free of charge.
The aim of the Latvian Academy of Culture Research Centre is to promote development in the Humanities and the Social Sciences as well as to realise research projects on issues related to the fields of culture and the arts of international topicality and significance for Latvia. Pursuant to this mission, the Research Centre organises the annual international scientific conference “Culture Crossroads”. In 2016, the “Culture Crossroads” conference will be held for the tenth time.
The number of thematic sessions as well as their contents may vary according to the themes and summaries of the submitted conference papers.
Suggested, yet not imposed topics:
Folklore Studies, Ethnology, Archaeology, and Cultural Anthropology
Main theme of the section: identity of a place in a cultural landscape in relation to water (in whichever meaning of a place and water); local, glocal, and global in culture.
We encourage to share your results on: the essence and the significance of a place and/or a cultural landscape; whether and how an object of heritage value situated in a landscape in relation to water shapes the significance of a place in the context of territorial stability of the inhabitants and their sense of belonging; how the local, individual, and collective identities are manifested in relation to water, what are their features and changes, and how they are presented in Folklore Studies, Ethnology, Archaeology, and Cultural Anthropology.
Sociology of Culture, Cultural Policy, Culture Communication in Media
Main theme: transformations of culture and the arts in the global environment; opportunities for development of interdisciplinary events in the fields of culture and the arts; manifestations of popular culture supply of a high artistic quality; development and diversity of research approaches in culture and the arts; cultural policies based on research and evidence; the representation of cultural and artistic life in the media.
The place of culture and the art in society, politics, and the media has always been a complicated, ambiguous, and ambivalent one. We encourage scholars from different fields (such as Cultural Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Law, Communication Studies) to share their research results on: cultural and artistic processes in society, and their specificity in different communities and social groups; the echo of cultural and artistic events in the media; distribution of the cultural funding; availability of culture and satisfaction of the audience with the existing cultural supply; reflection on the issues related to the field of culture in politics; and other themes.
Cultural Management and Creative Industries
Main theme: role and specificity of cultural management; cultural organisations’ activities; development trends in creative industries and in creative entrepreneurship.
We encourage to apply theoreticians and practitioners of cultural management to share their research insights on such issues as: the specificity of cultural management, organisational leadership, human resources management, strategic management, communication management, financial management, marketing and audience diversification and involvement, the role of technology, the cultural events issues, and sustainability.
Representatives of cultural organisations as well as researchers are invited to take part in this thematic sections’ discussions on creative entrepreneurship and its forms of support, on creative industries’ start-ups, on the newest trends in investment attraction, on business models, on challenges in export of creative industries’ products, on topical problems related to the development of creative cities, creative quarters, and creative places, and on the role of creativity in economics.
Performing Arts and Audiovisual Arts
Main theme: seismic oscillation of cultures and its reflection in the contemporary theatre, cinema, and dance.
With ‘seismic oscillation’ we understand not only the active changes in the Earth’s crust and in the climate, but also the migration, interaction, and collisions of the world peoples and the cultures they represent; the value of individual and community culture; and the contacts and conflicts between the world views.
We encourage to present your papers on whether and how the contemporary world processes have been reflected in the creative processes and works in theatre, cinema, and dance in Latvia and in other countries.
Intercultural Communication and Significance of Language in Culture
Main theme: the changes in the intercultural communication models; positive and negative aspects of mobility and migration; cultural dialogue; development and changes of language.
We encourage to share your research results on: the interaction of cultures; interculturalism; intercultural dialogue in different societies and countries; the environment and the means of intercultural communication dynamics; and other themes.
Literature and Translation
Main theme: changeable and unchangeable in the practice, theory, and criticism of literature and translation.
We encourage to view literary works and processes from different time periods; to find new approaches towards their evaluation and their contextual comparison with other forms of art. We encourage to view the interaction between the Latvian and the foreign literature and their coexistence in translation; to evaluate and to analyse the quality and its role in the local and global cultural context.
For more information please contact:
Aija Lūse,
Coordinator of the “Culture Crossroads X” conference
Latvian Academy of Culture
- aija.luse@lka.edu.lv
- zpc@lka.edu.lv
Phone numbers:
- (+371) 67114807
- (+371) 29107218