Expert in the field of cultural economics Dr. Arjo Klamer visiting the Latvian Academy of Culture with guest lectures
Dr. Arjo Klamer is a world-renowned researcher in the field of cultural economics, author of many books and professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. Klamer has taken part in the formation of many university programmes in the field of cultural economics and creative entrepreneurship both at the Masters level and at the Doctoral level. He has organized many workshops in the field of culture management and cultural economics in countries such as the Netherlands, India, Uganda, Japan, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, etc., and has been the board member in several organizations related to economics, cultural economics and philosophy.
At the Latvian Academy of Culture Arjo Klamer will give guest lectures on the theme "Cultural Entrepreneurship and Value-based approach".
Date and Time: October 30 and October 31, from 17:30 until 19:00
Venue: the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street), Room 5
For more information about Arjo Klamer: www.klamer.nl.