Find out about MA study opportunities at the Latvian Academy of Culture: open lectures and meetings with programmes directors
From May 23 to 31, in the cycle of informative events "Turning Point" the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) invites to join various online activities for those who are interested in master's studies. There will be a presentation of the opportunities of master's studies at the LAC, everyone will have the opportunity to attend master's lectures and meet with programmes directors.
Apply for activities by filling in the electronic registration form by May 20: https://forms.gle/8s9mJvA5GZD2jzWT7.
In the summer of 2022, the LAC for the first time will admit students to the international master's programs “Creative Industry and Growth Management” (together with Riga Technical University) and “Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication”, where the study process will be conducted in English.
Open lectures
Those who are interested will have the opportunity to find out the content of master's studies by joining master's students in lectures such as “Cultural landscapes” (Ullrich Kockel, EN) and “Arts conceptualisation strategies and contexts” (Dagmar Herta Anneliese Reichardt, EN). The number of places to participate in lectures is limited, so please apply in time!
Meeting with master’s programmes directors
• May 23 at 16.00 Meeting with Ieva Zemīte, director of the programme "Creative Industry and Growth Management", will take place on the Zoom platform.
• May 26 at 15.00 Meeting with Elīna Vikmane, director of the programme "Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication", will take place on the Zoom platform.
Individual consultations
During the cycle of the informative events "Turning Point", everyone will have the opportunity to apply for individual consultations with programme directors or representatives of the study department, writing to e-mail: info@lka.edu.lv.
More information about admission at the LAC MA studies: https://lka.edu.lv/en/studies/admission-international-masters-programmes/.