Guest lecture at the Latvian Academy of Culture by prof. Peter Gouzouasis from the University of British Columbia
On March 18, 2020 students, faculty members and researchers of the Latvian Academy of Culture are all invited to take part in the guest lecture by the professor of the University of British Columbia Peter Gouzouasis ‘Where are teachers and learners in arts education research?’ The lecture will take at the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street), Room 5 from 15:45 till 17:15. It is also part of the international research conference “Impacts of Arts and Cultural Education: Arguments and Evidence“.
Participants of the guest lecture will have a rare opportunity to hear the world renowned art and culture education researcher Peter Gouzouasis. In his research publications throughout his career Peter Gouzouasis has reflected on nearly all art-based and creatively-analytical practices, from ethnographic drama to poetry-based research and creative documentary with particular interest in music education.
The main topics of analysis for the guest lecture are: How have two research approaches – Arts-Based Research (ABER) and Creative Analytical Practices (CAP) - influenced the artistic and culture education research in the recent decades? What is the role of story-telling in artistic and cultural education research? Where do the subjective everyday experiences of the participants of artistic and culture education come into all of this? How do individual stories on the artistic and musical experiences help to understand and study artistic and culture education?
In 2019 prof. Peter Gouzouasis received the Outstanding Research in Arts and Learning Award awarded by the American Educational Research Association. Peter Gouzouasis is a researcher, a musician and an art education reformer. He is also the co-author of numerous collective monographs and encyclopedic publications, such as "The Future of Action Research in Education: A Canadian Perspective"; “Handbook of Cultural Studies and Education”; “The Oxford Handbook of Research in Community Music”, etc.
The guest lecture is free of charge. In order to register for the lecture, please fill out the online application form by March 13, 2020.
Conference organizing committee:
Latvian Academy of Culture, the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, The Latvian National Centre for Culture, Embassy of Canada to Latvia, UNESCO Latvian National Commission, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
All events take place in the framework of the international cooperation networks:
ENO: the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education
ACEnet (Network of European Policy Makers, Civil Servants and Academics working in the fields of arts and cultural education)