Latvian Academy of Culture to Develop Joint International Short-Term Learning Opportunities with Universities from Alliance ACE²-EU
On March 21, the networking event "ACEploration" of the European Universities Alliance ACE²-EU concluded at Constantin Brâncuși University in Romania. The event brought together representatives from nine alliance member universities, including faculty from the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC), with the goal of developing joint short-term learning opportunities for students across the alliance. Alongside the networking sessions, working group meetings focused on improving the alliance’s short-term learning offerings for both students and staff, designing quality assurance mechanisms, and enhancing the pedagogical capacity of academic staff across partner institutions.
The discussions placed significant emphasis on refining the internal quality assurance system of the ACE²-EU alliance, ensuring alignment with the goals set by both the European Union and the alliance itself. Participants explored the formation of an academic council and the development of unified certification mechanisms. A structured tool for promoting academic staff’s professional development across the alliance was also proposed, and joint study programmes were discussed.
During the "ACEploration" working sessions, 15 proposals for joint international short-term learning programmes were developed. Discussions addressed programme structure, target audiences, teaching methods, and dissemination strategies. Representatives from various industry sectors participated in the event, expressing interest and readiness to contribute to the programme development process — a vital aspect of the alliance's mission to foster stronger ties between academia and industry.
The Latvian Academy of Culture co-developed two programme proposals with other alliance members and joined two additional programmes as a partner institution. In collaboration with Constantin Brâncuși University and the Lithuanian College of Engineering (Lietuvos Inžinerijos Kolegija), LAC began planning an international summer school titled "Sustainable Outdoor Events: Waste Around and Within Us". This programme will explore waste in its various forms — both in the environment and in everyday habits — with a focus on sustainability in outdoor event practices. Students will engage in lectures, masterclasses, and creative workshops with event industry professionals and university lecturers to explore practices that reduce pollution, support well-being, and promote sustainable lifestyles.
LAC also partnered with the Lithuanian College of Engineering and the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (Instituto Politécnico de Santarém), along with researchers from Romania, to begin work on the international summer school "Academic Flow: Culture and Well-Being for Quality Education." This initiative will explore how art and creativity can serve as tools for enhancing physical and mental health, reducing stress, improving well-being, and fostering healthier academic environments.
Additionally, LAC will contribute to a learning activity within a programme led by Constantin Brâncuși University on violence prevention, titled "Art and Culture as Tools for Emotional Expression and Reflection." In the short-term learning programme "Youth Life in Rural Regions," organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, LAC will focus on authentic youth participation and the development of new methods to express young people's values in today’s global and sociopolitical context.
The ACEploration event also opened up new dimensions of collaboration, as several newly formed teams committed to long-term cooperation, including the development of joint research projects. The meeting reaffirmed the significance of the ACE²-EU alliance in building a strong, professional European higher education community and fostering international academic cooperation.
The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project 101177596.
For more information about the ACE2-EU alliance and planned activities, visit: https://ace2eu.eu/