Online consultations for those interested in the master studies will take place in January, March, and May, 2022
Consultations on study opportunities at the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) in the international MA programmes “Creative Industries and Growth Management” and “Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication” will be available on January 20, March 17 and May 19, 2022 at 16:00 via the online platform Zoom. For those interested, there will be an opportunity to meet the programme directors - Elīna Vikmane and Ieva Zemīte. The working languagewill be English.
For consultations, please register in advance:https://forms.gle/xZr2TZeStocr4MYx8.
In 2022, the Latvian Academy of Culture is accepting applicants for the international MA study programmes “Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication”, as well as for the joint programme with Riga Technical University - “Creative Industries and Growth Management”. The language of studies is English.
The aim of the MA study programme “Creative Industries and Growth Management” is to train strategically minded and creative change implementing leaders, capable of leading growth processes and valuing and applying diversity. The programme will provide students with a set of knowledge and competencies that will develop growth thinking on a personal, organisational, and global level, promoting an understanding of the potential of creative industries and the importance of cultural values in a changing global economy.
The programme “Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication” focuses on the shift of paradigm in the field of cultural heritage impact and the diversity of its forms today, which requires a new type of cultural heritage communication and governance practice. The objective of the programme is to provide students with a set of competencies and knowledge to promote the understanding of the diversity and significance of cultural heritage today, its interpretation possibilities, its potential as a resource for developing critical and creative thinking with the aim to manage, interpret and communicate cultural heritage in a variety of ways.
More information on both programmes and how to apply: https://lka.edu.lv/en/studies/admission-international-masters-programmes/
The programs have been developed in the framework of the project “Development of New Study Programmes for the labour market of the cultural and creative industries sector” (No.