Research on Cross-culture Communication at the Latvian Academy of Culture
Five academics of the Latvian Academy of Culture attended the XXX International Research Conference of the Faculty of the Humanities, Daugavpils University, and presented the results of their research on various aspects of cross-cultural communication on 30-31 January, 2020.
At the Section “English: Synchrony and Diachrony” Anita Načisčione spoke on the role of extended metaphor in conceptualisation of the course of human life: “Creative use of extended metaphor in conceptualisation of the human life span: A cross-language and a cross-cultural view”.
At the Section “Contemporary Research in Translatology” Elita Saliņa disclosed a new conceptual metaphor in her paper “Conceptual metaphor GOOD IS WHITE in the translations of I. Ziedonis’s Baltā pasaka”.
Zane Grigoroviča participated in the Section “My own, the alien, the different” and presented her paper “How Latvians found their own in the alien: The influence of art of other nations in the visual representation of the 19th century Latvian printed media”.
The results of the Academy research project “Latvija – Heimatland” were presented by two researchers Gunta Ošeniece and Laila Niedre at the Section “Recent research in Germanic Studies, revealing how Ingeborga fon Vestermane’s reollections reflect the life of the people of Riga in the 1930ies (Alltag der Rigenser in den dreißiger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erinnerungen von Ingeborg von Westerman).
The conference presentations, discussions and informal talks have yielded novel insights into the current research trends and provided fresh impetus to further research.