
Student of the BA programme “Audiovisual Art” Kristiāna Štāla takes part in the International Cannes Film Festival programme “3 Days in Cannes”


The 71st International Cannes Film Festival takes place from May 8th to May 19th, 2018 and this is the first year that the festival organizers have introduced the “3 Days in Cannes” programme, which allows cinema enthusiasts from across the world, between the ages of 18 and 28, to take part in the festival programme between May 17 to May 19.

2nd year BA student of the programme “Audiovisual Art” Kristiāna Štāla was one of the thousand applicants from across the world who fought for the opportunity to take part in the festival.

Follow the activities of Kristiāna during the Cannes Film Festival on her instagram account -