Teachers of general education invited to apply for the professional development conference Film and Media for Education
On April 17 and 18, 2020 the Latvian National Library will host the second film and media literacy conference for teachers, organized by the Latvian Academy of Culture and the UNESCO Department of Media and Information Literacy of the University of Latvia in cooperation with partners from Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark and Finland. The target audience of the conference are teachers of general education representing all disciplines and fields of study, as the information and materials offered within the seminar are universal and can be integrated into any subject, be it history, literature, math or sciences.
The conference is organized within the framework of the Nordplus Horizontal project ‘Film and Media for Education. Take 2’. Within the first and second wave of the project more than 200 teachers from all five partner countries were recruited and during 2 extensive professional development conferences in Tallinn and in Riga were provided with practical skills on how to integrate film and media literacy into their curriculum.
During the conference in April teachers from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark and Finland will be given the opportunity to hear presentations from experienced practitioners and film and media experts on what is film and media literacy and what good can they both do in the classroom. In two jam-packed days, you will be able not only to listen to presentations and take part in the workshops, but also hear and draw inspiration from teachers, who are already putting their knowledge into practice in their classes since the previous seminar in October. It is a great opportunity to not only keep up with the changes in education and learn the latest teaching methods, but also to become the ambassador of film and media literacy for education at your local school, in your local city and even throughout the country.
In order to apply for the seminar, you need to fill out the application form and answer the following questions about your motivation to become an ambassador of film and media literacy.
The seminar takes place on April 17 and 18, 2020 at the National Library of Latvia (3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, Latvia). All expenses such as travelling and accommodations, as well as all lunch breaks and several social events are covered by the organizers. The working language for the seminar is English.
Full seminar programme and detailed workshop descriptions will be published and sent out in the middle of March.
The application deadline is March 15, 2020.