The Latvian Academy of Culture hosting the annual “Autumn Salon” on November 23, 2018
Each year students of the sub-programme "Cross-cultural Communication (Latvia-France)" are organizing the annual “Autumn Salon”, which this year will take place on November 23 in the mail hall of the Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludza Street 24) at 19:00.
“Autum Salon” has become a traditional event at the Latvian Academy of Culture already since 1993, when it was held for the first time. The theme of this year's event is the work and life of Serge Gainsbourg, characterizing the mood of the night with his quotation "Je connais mes limites, c’est pourquoi je vais au de-la" (I am aware of my limits, that is why I am going beyond them). During the night all visitors will have the chance to enjoy several musical and poetic performances by the students of the Latvian Academy of Culture, as well as the music by Serge Gainsbourg.