The Latvian Academy of Culture inviting everyone to join creative workshops with world-renowned guest-lecturers Joe Kelleher, William Guynn and Patrice Pavis
Within the framework of the international research conference "Poetics and Politics of History in Film and Theatre" the Latvian Academy of Culture is inviting students and participants of the conference to take part in creative workshops by world-renowned experts in the field of audiovisual and performing arts - Joe Kelleher, William Guynnand Patrice Pavis.
On November 28, from 14:00 until 17:15 at the National Film School of Latvian Academy of Culture (17 Elijas Street) guest-lecture and seminar by stage director, contemporary theatre researcher and professor of the University of Roehampton in London Joe Kelleher. In his lecture “Actor-Figure” Joe Kelleher will focus on the historical consciousness of the character. To prepare for the seminar students will be required to read the research article by Joe Kelleher, which will be sent beforehand via e-mail.
On December 3, from 10:15 until 13:30 at the National Film School of Latvian Academy of Culture (17 Elijas Street) guest-lecture by the theatre historian and professor emeritus of the Sonoma State University William Howard Guynn. In his lecture “Return to the Scene of the Crime” William Howard Guynn will talk about the linkage between films and memories particularly focusing on the monumental documentary by Claude Lanzmann “Soah” (1985) and Joshua Oppenheimer’s second film devoted to the Indonesian genocide “The Look of Silence” (2014).
On December 3, from 14:00 until 17:15 at the National Film School of Latvian Academy of Culture (17 Elijas Street) creative workshop by the world-renowned theatre historian and semiotician Patrice Pavis. In his workshop Patrice Pavis will encourage students to analyse given stage productions with the help of his theoretical essay "On the Analysis of Texts or Performances in the Playwriting Workshops: A Brief Reflection on a Long Odyssey”.
All lectures are in English and are open both to the students of the Latvian Academy of Culture as well as to everyone else who is interested in these subjects. Prior registration is required by writing to the coordinator of the conference - Dārta Ceriņa cerina.darta@gmail.com.
Entrance to all events of the conference is free of charge!
The conference is organized within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund project "The Development of Research Activities at the Latvian Academy of Culture". The conference is financially supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation, the Riga City Council and the US Embassy in Latvia