
The Latvian Academy of Culture joins the Nordplus project "Media Literacy, Heritage and Reuse in Education"


In June 2018, the Nordplus-funded project "Media Literacy, Heritage and Reuse in Education" was launched with the first networking meeting at the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School of Tallinn University and the Estonian Film Museum in Tallinn.

The Leading coordinator or the project is the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School of Tallinn University (EE) with the University of Tampere (FI), the Latvian Academy of Culture National Film School (LV), the Animation Workshop VIA University College (DK), Estonian Film Institute (EE), Estonian Film Museum (EE) and Vilnius University (LT) as other partners of the project. The Latvian Academy of Culture is represented by the producer of student films Daiga Livčāne, international communication specialist Kristīne Bramberga and public relations manager Aija Lūse. During the first meeting on June 9 and June 10, 2018 local experts from all partner institutions came together to launch a new network, which would deal with the knowledge and contacts surrounding the development of media literacy in the Baltic Sea region.

The long-term goal of the project is to enable as wide a circle of the educators of the region as possible to be acquainted with the knowledge acquired during the project on media literacy and the use of media in education and to provide the opportunity to use the material and methods for their own needs and at their own discretion.

The project is being implemented into two directions. Firstly, to identify good practices both of the integration of media literacy into the school curricula, as well as of the use of media as teaching method and a tool for learning different subjects and topics. And secondly, to create a collaborative network and a bridge between experts in the field of media communication and audiovisual arts and educators, who would transfer the skills and knowledge further to our children.

Baltijas Filmu un mediju skolas vadītāja Katrīna Sāks (Katrin Saks) projekta nepieciešamību pamato ar to, ka Igaunijā ir daudz lielisku piemēru medijpratības izglītībā un mediju izmantošanā mācību programmās, taču trūkst sistemātiskas pieejas un atbilstošas platformas, kur skolotāji varētu atrast šos materiālus. "Jau gadiem mēs sadarbojamies ar dažādām skolām un skolotājiem visā Igaunijā, un tagad mums ir iespēja paplašināt šo sadarbības loku un iekļaut arī starptautisko pieredzi,” norāda Sāks.

The head of the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School Katrin Saks says that there are many great examples in the use of media in education in Estonia, but we lack a systematic approach and an appropriate platform where teachers could find these materials. "For years, we have been collaborating with different schools and teachers throughout Estonia, and now we have the opportunity to expand this range of cooperation and include international experience," says Saks.

The key event of the project is the practical research conference, which will take place in January 2019 in the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School of Tallinn University. The conference will kick of its first day with creative workshops and demonstrations of the best practice examples in the use of media for educational purposes. The second day, however, will mainly focus on reflections and discussions on the results of the practical work during the first day, as well as on the importance of the professional development of contemporary educators.

More on the project: