Two new MA study programmes launched at the Latvian Academy of Culture together with Riga Technical University and in cooperation with Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
In August, 2020 the Latvian Academy of Culture is planning to launch two new international MA programmes ‘Growth Management and Creative Industry’ and ‘Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication’. Both programmes are developed within the framework of the European Structural Funds project ‘Development of New Study Programmes for the labour market of the cultural and creative industries sector (No.’ and are under the process of licencing.
The international and interdisciplinary MA study programme ‘Growth Management and Creative Industries’ is implemented together with the Riga Technical University and will focus on raising awareness on the various aspects of creative industries on personal, corporative (organisational) and global levels. The programme will address the global and local socio-economic changes that impact the environment of creative entrepreneurship, cultural and creative industries, will contribute to the strategic understanding, financial and entrepreneurial literacy and critical thinking of the students and will foster personal development through creativity. The target audience for this programme are BA graduates with various backgrounds, therefore two introductory modules will be offered in order to even the overall level of knowledge across the group.
An important role in the development of the programme has been to the partners at the University of Aalborg (DE), who has been involved in the initial stages of the programme design, including experience exchange visits to Aalborg and a problem-based-learning- approach seminar by prof. Julie Borup Jensen and asoc. prof. Anja Overgaard Thomassen of the University of Aalborg. The aim of the programme is to equip growth processes with leadership, creativity and strategic thinking, diversity appreciation and change leadership. The aim of the programme is to train potential leaders of culture and creative industries, who are able to succeed in the changing environment of global economy, who respect creativity and cultural diversity and are willing to act as the agents of change also in other economic fields.
The other international MA programme ‘Cultural Heritage Governance and Communication’ has been developed in cooperation with Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. In the focus of the programme is the changing role and forms of cultural heritage nowadays, which requires new modes of governance and communication. The programme aims to provide students with a set of knowledge and competencies that contribute to the understanding of the diversity and significance of cultural heritage nowadays, its interpretative potential, and its potential as a resource for developing critical and creative thinking in order to manage, interpret and communicate cultural heritage in a variety of ways. The target audience of the programme are employees of memory institutions, heritage-related state institutions, municipalities, as well as managers of cultural centres, tourism and cultural heritage agencies, etc.
As both programmes have an international scope students will be able to take part also in courses by foreign guest professors and field experts. For more information visit: https://lka.edu.lv/en/studies/study-programmes/master-studies/