
Until February 10, submissions are open for articles to be included in the scientific journals of the Latvian Academy of Culture


Until February 10, 2025 researchers are invited to submit papers for the thematic issue of ‘Culture Crossroads’ on issues related to the social and economic impact of culture. The issue will continue the discussion on the issues and methodologies of impact assessment in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) – which was initiated during the thematic session ‘How to Make It Visible? Assessing Social And Economic Impact In Creative And Cultural Industries’ within the framework of the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) conference series ‘Cultural Crossroads XVIII’ in autumn this year.

Thematic issue 'From the Invisible to the Visible: Measuring Social and Economic Impact in the Creative and Cultural Industries' aims to develop new and test existing theoretical and empirical approaches to measuring social and economic impact in the cultural and creative industries. More information about the special edition is available here.

We also encourage the authors of papers presented at the international scientific conference ‘Culture Crossroads XVIII’ and other researchers in the fields of culture and arts to submit articles based on their research findings to one of the two scientific journals published by the Latvian Academy of Culture: ‘Culture Crossroads’, published in English for an international audience, or ‘Kultūras un mākslas pētījumi’, published in Latvian for the local academic and professional community. Accepted articles will be published in the regular issues of the LAC’s scientific journals.

Articles must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere. Articles should be between 20,000 and 45,000 characters (including spaces) and must adhere to the Author Guidelines. Before submission, authors must register and create a user profile at

‘Culture Crossroads’ is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal published by the Latvian Academy of Culture’s Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies. The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate), ERIH PLUS, ULRICH'S, and the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL). According to data from the independent scientific publication ranking center Scimago, the LAC’s scientific journal Culture Crossroads was ranked in the 2nd quartile in the thematic field “Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)” for 2023.