Contemporary Dance

Next Admission: 2027

Course Brief

  • Language of study: Latvian
  • Full-time undergraduate programme
  • Number of budget and paid study places: to be specified
  • Tuition fee per year: to be specified
  • Duration of studies:  three years (6 semesters)
  • Degree to be obtained: Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Dance
  • Place of study: Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street)
  • International mobility opportunities: studies, internships and graduate internships within the ERASMUS + exchange programme, opportunity to use foreign government scholarships and participate in summer schools
  • Head of the programme: professor Olga Žitluhina

To programme aims to train theoretically and practically educated, independent and creative professionals to become contemporary dance artists (choreographers, dancers, researchers), who would be competitive in the field of dance art both in Latvia and abroad.

The contemporary dance programme is designed for students who possess strong technical abilities, as well as interest and insight in culture, in particular, the art of dance. They are open-minded, imaginative and bold and in excellent physical condition to withstand the load of studies. 

The programme is designed to expand students’ understanding of both the practical and theoretical dimensions of dance, to introduce them to different theories, methods and techniques in the discourse of contemporary dance as well as to give general knowledge in the field of arts and humanities altogether. An integral part of the studies is dedicated to revealing and stimulating the creative potential of each student individually.

Within the general required (part A) courses students are provided with the historical background of arts, literature, music, philosophy and psychology.

Within the speciality based required (part B) courses students are provided with integrated theoretical knowledge and practical skills in different courses in the field of dance, such as, the Composition and Choreography of Modern Dance; the Technique, Theory, Methodology and History of Contemporary Dance; Improvisation and Contactimprovisation; Theory, Methodology, Techniques and History  of Classical Dance; Theory, Methodology, Techniques and History  of Classical Modern Dance; Functional Anatomy; Feldenkrais Method; the Fundamentals of Acting and Directing; Theories of epistemology of the body and movement, methodologies and techniques in the discourse of contemporary dance (Yoga, Chen Taijiquan, Aikido); etc.

Students of the programme have the opportunity to work not only with the professors of the Latvian Academy of Culture, but also with various renowned guest-lecturers from all over the world. In addition, during their studies students will participate in various international projects and contemporary dance events both Latvia and abroad.

Graduates of the programme are shaping the field of dance art in Latvia. They are able to carry out creative, professional, artistic, innovative activities in contemporary dance, perform with national and international dance companies and are master advocates and administrators for the art form. They are able to cooperate with artists from other disciplines or art, to work both individually and in team, to understand the professional code of ethics of dance art, to evaluate the impact of their professional and creative activities on the environment and society as a whole.


Theoretical fundamentals of arts and humanities

Students acquire the ability to orient themselves in different typologies and periodization systems of culture, as well as familiarize themselves with the different concepts of culture and art, thus gaining an understanding of the different principles of aesthetic thinking.

Contemporary Dance

Students are provided with an in-depth insight into the art of contemporary dance, its creative, artistic, theoretical and research dimensions. The courses develop student's analytical abilities, creative and practical skills, as well as the ability to work in the context of other fields of art.

Work placement

Work placement in the professional environment of dance companies, theatres, concert organisations, educational institutions, etc. strengthen the specific knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study process. Required practical work can be implemented in various forms, for example, as a choreography for dance, theatre or poetry performance, as participation in a theatre or concert performance, as assistance to choreographers, stage directors or dancers, in a form of dance classes or in a form of any other practical activity that corresponds to the study programme Contemporary Dance.

Department of Performing Arts

The Head of the Programme: prof. Olga Ž


☎ 67114807


Olga Žitluhina
Profesore, horeogrāfe, dejotāja, Kultūras akadēmijas bakalaura studiju programmas “Laikmetīgās dejas māksla” vadītāja, „Olgas Žitluhinas dejas kompānija” mākslinieciskā vadītāja, Starptautiskā laikmetīgās dejas festivāla „LAIKS DEJOT” - mākslinieciskā direktore.

Horeogrāfe izrādēm: poētiskās dejas traģēdija „Viens un Divi” (2014) „Daiļslidošana” (2013) „Breikeri arī runā” (2013), „Ārā” (2013), rokoperai „Lāčplēsis” (2013), „Pie bagātās kundzes” (2013) „Saules taka” (2013), „Mazāk domāsi, ātrāk skriesi” (2012, „Ursus maritimus” (2011), „Divpadsmitā nakts” (2010), „Aplam” (2010) un daudzām citām.

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