An integral part of the work of the LAC Research Centre are commissioned research studies for different culture and arts governmental and non-governmental institutions in Latvia. The results of these studies are primarily used in the creation of local government and national cultural policies. The LAC Research Centre regularly cooperates with the Latvian National Centre for Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, as well as with different cultural organizations and municipal institutions, developing both cultural consumption studies and local government cultural development programs for them.
The aim of the study: to analyse the results of the Latvian state budget-funded programme "NGO Fund" (hereinafter - the programme) in the period 2023-2024, assessing the contribution of macro-level projects implemented under the programme to the achievement of the programme's main objective - to strengthen the sustainable development of civil society and democracy in Latvia; the study will analyse such topics as - civic participation of Latvian citizens, development of the NGO sector, themes, activities, target groups, implementation locations, cooperation within projects implemented under the "NGO Fund" programme.
Commissioned by Society Integration Fund
Project leader: Gints Klāsons
LAC working group: Gints Klāsons, Baiba Tjarve, Anda Laķe
Implementation time: December 2024 - February 2025.
Aim of the study: to conduct research on the activities of student self-government in educational institutions, self-government activity, implemented activities, involvement of students in self-government and participation in general; to analyse the impact of the Agency for International Programs for Youth Republic of Latvia initiative to support self-government in educational institutions "Kontakts" on the development of the self-government network in educational institutions, as well as its effectiveness in promoting student participation.
Commissioned by Agency for International Programs for Youth Republic of Latvia
Project leader: Gints Klāsons
LAC working group: Gints Klāsons, Baiba Tjarve, Laura Brutāne
Implementation time: November-December 2024.
Aim of the study: to develop a study on the impact of cultural and scientific consumption and participation in Latvia, analysing trends in cultural consumption and participation over the last 10 (ten) years. The topics covered: cultural activity, cultural consumption and cultural participation of the population; factors potentially contributing to cultural consumption; access to culture for different target groups of society; etc. Some of the topics were analysed in more depth: mechanisms and challenges of seniors' involvement in cultural consumption; cultural consumption and participation in the context of social cohesion; the role of sustainability factors in cultural consumption habits. The study also includes an exploration of the science content consumption activities of the Latvian population.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
Project leaders: Gints Klāsons, Anda Laķe
LAC working group: Gints Klāsons, Baiba Tjarve, Anda Laķe, Līga Vinogradova.
Implementation time: November 2024 - April 2025.
The aim of the research: to find out the opinion of the member organisations of the „I.Kozakēvičas Latvijas Nacionālo Kultūras Biedrību asociācija” (hereinafter - the Association) on the Association's activities in various aspects (cooperation, internal and external communication, availability of support, public visibility, etc.).
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
Project leader: Gints Klāsons
LAC working group: Gints Klāsons, Baiba Tjarve
Implementation time: October-December 2024.
The aim of the study is to investigate the relevance of non-formal education with youth in Latvia to the interests and needs of young people for independent living and the acquisition of skills and competences necessary for the labour market.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study is to develop a methodology and instrumentation for two surveys for regular data collection and, by testing the developed methodology and instrumentation, to conduct a nationally representative sociological survey of young people and those involved in youth work as part of the monitoring of youth policy and youth work.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study is to develop a research on the accessibility of Latvian cultural services. It includes a study of the accessibility needs of the target audience (people with functional disabilities) and an analysis of the accessibility of cultural services, including information on accessibility.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study is to find out how international and mutual cooperation will be developed in Liepāja and surrounding districts thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture 2027 and the activities implemented during the project, how public participation in shaping the environment will change, how and whether the quality of life of citizens will improve with the help of digital services. The aim is to identify and strengthen the identity elements of the participating districts, as well as to study the changes in citizens' perception of participation in various societal processes.
Commissioned by the Liepaja 2027 Foundation
The aim of the study is to develop a methodology and instrumentation of two surveys for regular data collection and, by testing the developed methodology and instrumentation, to conduct a nationwide sociologically representative survey of young people and those involved in youth work.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
The aim of the study is to evaluate the cultural education programme “Latvijas skolas soma” for the period from the school year 2018/2019 to the school year 2022/2023 in order to improve the effectiveness of the programme implementation.
Commissioned by the National Centre for Culture of Latvia
The aim of the study is to develop a research on the accessibility of Latvian cultural services. It includes a study of the accessibility needs of the target audience (people with functional disabilities) and an analysis of the accessibility of cultural services, including information on accessibility.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
The aim of the study is to investigate the relevance of non-formal education provision in youth work in Latvia to the interests and needs of young people for independent living and the acquisition of skills and competences necessary for the labor market.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
The aim of the study is to identify and define the labor market for which cultural and creative professionals are trained after vocational secondary education.
Commissioned by the National Centre for Culture of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study is to develop a monitoring concept for youth policy and youth work.
The study is implemented by the Latvian Academy of Culture, SIA R.Education and NEXT. Commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study was to develop a study on the impact of Latvian cultural consumption and participation. In addition, some topics were analyzed in more depth (cultural activity of young people, access to culture for people with limited opportunities, impact of the pandemic on cultural activity).
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study was to investigate and characterize the science content consumption and participation activities of the Latvian population.
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the research is to carry out a study on the situation of Latvian minority NGOs and in particular to provide research on:
(1) minority NGOs in Latvia (number of NGOs, number of members, areas of activity, etc.);
(2) a survey of minority NGOs.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study "Evaluation of the activities (results and contribution) of the State budget-funded programme "NGO Fund"" was to determine the performance of the Latvian State Budget-funded NGO Fund programme in 2022 and its contribution to the programme's overarching goal - to strengthen the sustainable development of civil society in Latvia. The study builds on previous evaluations of the programme, in some respects comparing data with previous periods and analysing trends by project type (micro and macro).
Commissioned by Society Integration Fund
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the study is to find out the perception of the Latvian population about the solidarity and division of society.
The research was carried out within the framework of the project "The art of nationalism: Social solidarity and exclusion in contemporary Latvia" (No. lzp-2020/2-0118). Funded by the Latvian Council of Science.
Report in Latvian:
The research project provides insights into the potential and contribution of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) to sustainability in small cities, showing why and how CCI products and services can be developed. Viable CCIs are one of the development pathways for small cities.
The study has been carried out in the framework of the Fundamental and Applied Research Project "Creative Industries in Small Towns: Potential and Contribution to Sustainability”/CRISP (No. lzp-2020/2-0375) implemented under the Fundamental and Applied Research Programme (FLPP). Funded by the Latvian Council of Science.
Report in Latvian:
The 2030 Agenda Thematic Indicators for Culture (Culture|2030 Indicators) is a framework of thematic indicators aimed at measuring and monitoring the contribution of culture to the Sustainable Development Goals and sub-goals in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at national and local level. The framework will allow for the assessment of both the role of culture as a single sector of activity and its interdisciplinary contribution to different SDGs and policy areas. The development of the thematic indicator set aims to strengthen and complement the IAM indicators embedded in the 2030 Agenda, as well as to strengthen the linkages between the different SDGs and sub-goals.
The translation has been produced within the project "Cultural capital as a resource for sustainable development of Latvia"/CARD (No. VPP-KM-LKRVA-2020/1-0003), funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia under the national research programme "Latvian Culture - a Resource for National Development" (2020-2022). The National Research Programme is administered by the Latvian Council of Science.
Report in Latvian:
One of the work phases of the National Research Programme project CARD was "Participatory Practices of Society and Heritage Communities. Heritage communities in the youth segment" and one of the tasks was to analyse the cultural practices of young people. Therefore, a questionnaire was developed for young people aged 18-25 to find out what cultural and creative activities young people engage in, both as spectators and as active participants; whether these activities have changed significantly since their school days and what role heritage practices play in the context of other cultural and social activities.
The research was carried out within the framework of the project "Cultural capital as a resource for sustainable development of Latvia"/CARD (No. VPP-KM-LKRVA-2020/1-0003), funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia under the national research programme "Latvian Culture - a Resource for National Development" (2020-2022). The National Research Programme is administered by the Latvian Council of Science.
Report in Latvian:
The study analyzes the macroeconomic indicators of the Latvian music sector and its economic contribution to the national economy, providing additional arguments for cultural policy makers in discussions on the role of culture and creative industries in the development of the country and society.
The research was carried out within the framework of the project "Cultural capital as a resource for sustainable development of Latvia"/CARD (No. VPP-KM-LKRVA-2020/1-0003), funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia under the national research programme "Latvian Culture - a Resource for National Development" (2020-2022). The National Research Programme is administered by the Latvian Council of Science.
Report in Latvian:
The aim of the research is to analyse the remuneration of cultural workers employed in the non-governmental sector and local governments, as well as to compare it with the remuneration of employees employed in state cultural institutions and capital companies.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.
Within the framework of the commissioned study, an inclusion strategy of the Agency for International Programs for Youth is being developed, as well as the mapping of the current situation of social inclusion of young people with limited opportunities in Latvia is being carried out.
Commissioned by the Agency for International Programs for Youth.
The report illuminates the experience stories of 25 Latvia’s arts and cultural organisations, detailing their most effective solutions and takeaways from successes and failures along with some personal impressions from working in remote-access conditions. Narrators represent all fields of culture and art activities (heritage, arts, music, film, theatre etc.), both the public sector and NGOs.
The aim of the research is to evaluate the visibility and public image of the National History Museum of Latvia (LNVM) in different target audiences to provide data for museum’s strategic planning and LNVM brand exhibition in the next stages of the research, in preparation for the upcoming exhibition in Riga Castle.
Commissioned by the National History Museum of Latvia.
The presentation includes information on the aim, methodology and main conclusions of the research. For more information, please contact the representatives of the National History Museum of Latvia by email: or the head of LAC Research Centre Anda Laķe by email:
The research “Development of Musealisation Criteria for the Latvian Cultural and Historical Heritage” was implemented by the LAC Research Centre and it was commisioned by the Latvian National Committee of the International Council of Museums and with the financial support of the State Culture Capital Foundation.
The research developed a proposal for a set of musealisation criteria for the cultural and historical heritage by grouping them into several categories of criteria – specific value of cultural heritage, social significance, availability of resources, topicality, and other factors. The research also looks at various forms of musealisation and previous experience in preserving and communicating cultural and historical heritage in Latvia (museums, museum-related institutions, so-called virtual museums, libraries, etc.).
Commissioned by the Latvian National Committee of the International Council of Museums
Report in Latvian:
In cooperation with Ltd „Analītisko pētījumu un stratēģiju laboratorija”, an assessment study of the implementation of the Centenary Programme of Latvia for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 1, 2021 is being developed. The research project is a follow-up study to the evaluation carried out in 2019 for the period from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2018. The main tasks of the research include evaluation of the content and process of implementation of the Latvian Centenary Programme in accordance with the set goals and approach; representation of various economic sectors, public administration structures and civil society initiatives in the processes of the Latvian Centenary Programme; roles of the parties involved in the implementation of the Latvian Centenary Programme; planning and implementation of funding acquisition; role of publicity and marketing activities in the achievement of the objectives of the target groups and the Latvian Centenary Programme.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia
Report in Latvian:
A study on cultural consumption and participation opportunities in the future Valmiera county was carried out in March 2021 by the Latvian Academy of Culture in cooperation with the local government of Valmiera City. The results of the research project will be used for the development of the cultural offer of Valmiera county and for the preparation of the application to the competition for the European Capital of Culture 2027.
Commissioned by the local government of Valmiera City.
Report in Latvian:
The first strategic plan for the targeted development of Daugavpils cultural sector was carried out by the think tank “Culturelab” in cooperation with the Latvian Academy of Culture and the Culture Department of Daugavpils City Council.
Daugavpils Culture Development Program for 2021–2027 is based on the study of the needs of the population. The local cultural institutions, communities and active creative people have been actively involved in its development. Early in 2021, an extensive population survey, focus groups and interviews with cultural operators were organized, the results of which are reflected in the "Study of Culture Consumption, Activities and Participation in Daugavpils City”. Around 200 participants took part in various co-working events and virtual workshops of ideas.
Commissioned by the Daugavpils City Council
Reports in Latvian:
Daugavpils pilsētas kultūras attīstības programma 2021. – 2027. gadam
"Kultūras patēriņš, aktivitātes un līdzdalība Daugavpils pilsētā"
The Research Centre of Latvian Academy of Culture, under the leadership of prof. Anda Laķe, developed a study that includes in-depth and semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, a digital survey of cultural operators, data processing, as well as an assessment of cultural life in Kuldīga county, and a definition of the main problems and development of an action plan.
Commissioned by the local government of Kuldīga.
Report in Latvian:
The Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture has developed a local medium-term cultural policy planning document, which defines a set of measures for the development of Jelgava's cultural sector in the medium term.
Commissioned by the Jelgava City Municipal Authority “Culture”.
Report in Latvian:
The Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture developed a final evaluation on the implementation of the cultural policy guidelines “Creative Latvia” (2014–2020). Within the framework of the project, an assessment was carried out on the achievement of objectives, directions of action and planned results, deviations from the established performance indicators were explained and changes in the external environment were analysed, which had an impact on the implementation of the cultural policy guidelines “Creative Latvia” (2014–2020).
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.
Report in Latvian:
Summary in Latvian:
Commissioned by Society Integration Fund
The aim of the Study was to evaluate the results of the activities of the “NGO Fund” programme financed by the State budget of Latvia and its input in achieving the overarching goal: strengthening sustainable development of the civil society in Latvia.
Full report available in English pdf:
The International Council of Museums Latvian National Committee (ICOM Latvia) in cooperation with The Research Center of the Latvian Academy of Culture has carried out a study “Museums and Tourism: Tendencies and Perspectives. Latvia’s Experience During the Pandemic”. The study was prepared within the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Solidarity Project “Museum Tendencies and Perspectives: Focus on Lithuania and Latvia”. Within the framework of the project, two studies were carried out on the situation in Latvia and Lithuania, international conference "Museums and regional tourism: trends and perspectives" was held, as well as video interviews with museum representatives were prepared and published.
The aim of the study was to analyse the current practice of Latvian museums in working with foreign and local tourists in a comprehensive and detailed way, as well as to identify the potential for the near future.
Implementer of the project: The International Council of Museums Latvian National Committee (ICOM Latvia)
Study report in English:
Study report in Latvian:
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Commissioned by the Society Integration Fund
The study is carried out by the Association of Persons from the Latvian Academy of Culture and “Laboratory of Analytical and Strategic Studies” Ltd.
Full report available in English pdf
Funded by State Culture Capital Foundation
Summary of the study in English
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia
The study is carried out by the Association of Persons from the Latvian Academy of Culture, “Laboratory of Analytical and Strategic Studies” Ltd. and SKDS Ltd.
Commissioned by the National Centre for Culture of Latvia
Commissioned by the National Centre for Culture of Latvia
Commissioned by Liepaja Municipality
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Latvia
Commissioned by the Latvian National Centre for Culture
Commissioned by the Municipality of Valka County
Commissioned by the Latvian Publishers' Association
Commissioned by the Latvian National Centre for Culture
The Report is submitted to UNESCO by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia (pdf)
Valka Municipality Cultural Development Program 2015-2020 (after the order of Valka Municipality Council)
Jūrmala City Cultural Environment Development Plan 2016-2020 (after the order of Department of Culture of the Jūrmala City Council, Procurement Identification Number 2016/95 RIK)
Jekabpils Culture Department Strategy 2016-2020 (after the order of Jekabpils Culture Department)
Cultural Consumption and Participation of the Inhabitants of Salaspils Municipality (after the order of Salaspils Municipality Council)
Research Study on the Project “Latvian School Bag” (after the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia)
Research Study on the distribution of the funding of the State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF) (after the order of SCCF, Procurement Identification Number 2015/2/P; in cooperation with the Laboratory of Analytical Studies and Strategies)
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Study of the audience of Latvian National Symphony orchestra (after the order of Latvian National Symphony orchestra)
Cultural consumption in Vidzeme: Accessibility of Culture and Participation in Cultural events (after the order of Vidzeme Culture and Arts Association „Haritas”, within framework of the project "Culture as an Instrument for implementation of Democracy, Participatory Democracy and the Rights for Culture", financially supported by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) and the Republic of Latvia)
Cultural accessibility and participation opportunities in the neighbourhoods of Riga (initiator of the research project – the LAC Research Centre, financially supported by Riga City Council and the State Culture Capital Foundation)
Survey of the Leaders of Folk Art Groups in Latvia (after the order of the Latvian National Centre for Culture)
Survey of the Founders (municipalities, NGOs, enterprises etc.)of Art Groups in Latvia (after the order of the Latvian National Centre for Culture)
Survey of the Song and Dance Celebration Participants in Latvia (after the order of the Latvian National Centre for Culture)
Methodological Criteria and Principles for the Formation of the Latvian Cultural Canon (Non-Governmental Association “Culturelab”, the Latvian Academy of Culture, after the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia)
Research Study of the Potential Audience of Sinfonietta Rīga (Research study by the students of the LAC BA sub-programme “Sociology and Management of Culture”, after the order of Sinfonietta Rīga)
The Situation of Creative Persons in Latvia in 2012 (Research study by the students of the LAC BA sub-programme “Sociology and Management of Culture”, after the order of the Council of the Creative Unions of Latvia)
The Interim Evaluation of the Cultural Policy Guidelines2006-2015 „The National State” (Non-Governmental Association “Culturelab”, the Latvian Academy of Culture, after the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia)
Survey of the Directors of Cultural Centres in Latvia (after the order of Centre for Cultural and Intangible Heritage)