Audiovisual Art

Annual Admission

Course Brief

  • Language of study: Latvian
  • Full-time undergraduate programme
  • Number of budget and paid study places: to be specified
  • Tuition fee per year: to be specified
  • Duration of studies:  three years (6 semesters)
  • Degree to be obtained: Bachelor of Arts in Audiovisual Art
  • Place of study: National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture (58 a Miera  Street)
  • International mobility opportunities: Studies, internships and graduate internships within the ERASMUS + exchange programme, opportunity to use foreign government scholarships and participate in summer schools
  • Head of the programmeprofessor Jānis Putniņš


To programme aims to train theoretically and practically educated professionals in Audiovisual Arts. During their studies, all students acquire comprehensive and thorough knowledge on the diverse aspects of the aesthetics, the analysis and the production of audiovisual art, gain skills in the creation and production of films, learn how to work on the set in different departments, thus also acquiring teamwork skills. The students of the specialization in theory and production also focus on the specifics of performing arts.


The programme of Audiovisual Art is designed for students, who are interested in cinema and would like to pursue their career in this field, as well as for those who would like to realize their creative potential and acquire skills in filmmaking.


The graduates of this programme are well-rounded and thoroughly educated professionals in the field of film industry both in Latvia and abroad and are prepared for a wide range of professional responsibilities in the field as well as other projects that require filmmaking, film production and theoretical skills in audiovisual and performing arts. About 85% of the graduates of the Latvian Academy of Culture form the field of film industry in Latvia.


All Specializations

Introduction to the Theory of Culture and Research, Trends and Development of World and Latvian Cinema, The Theory of Drama, History of World and Latvian Theatre, History of World Literature and Latvian Literature, History of Fine Art: World and Latvian Art, Introduction in Western Philosophy, 20th Century Traditions of Thought in Cultural Strategies, Semiotics of Culture, The Discourse of Audiovisual Art in a Foreign Language, The Dramaturgy of Audiovisual Art, The Aesthetics of Documentary Film: Theory and Practice, The Aesthetics of Fiction Film: Theory and Practice, Stage Design, The Fundamentals of Cinematography, The Fundamentals of Film Editing, Broadcast Journalism, The Fundamentals of Acting, The Fundamentals of Law, Internship in Speciality

Specialization: Film Directing

The Theory and Praxis of Film Directing, Film Composition, Style, Image and Narrative, Direction of Actors in Film, Theory and Practice of Broadcast Media, Sound Directing of Film, the Postproduction and Colour Grading

Specialization: Cinematography

The Theory and Praxis of Cinematography, Classical Camerawork, Contemporary Camerawork, the Theory, Practice and Technique of Film Lighting, The Basics of Photography, Film Composition, Style, Image and Narrative, Sound Directing of Film, Theory and Practice of Broadcast Media, Film Equipment and Film Technology, Special Effects and CGI, the Postproduction and Colour Grading

Specialization: Film Editing and Sound

The Theory and Praxis of Film Directing, the Theory and Praxis of Film Editing and Sound Postproduction, Film Composition, Style, Image and Narrative, Sound Directing of Film, the Postproduction and Colour Grading, Post-processing and Editing of Sound in Film, Theory and Practice of Broadcast Media, Special Effects and CGI


Specialization: Production of Audiovisual and Performing Arts

Production of Audiovisual and Performing Arts: Theory and Practice, Introduction to the Management of Culture, Culture Marketing, Cultural Entrepreneurship, Management and Production of Cultural Events, the Fundamentals of Stage Directing, Contemporary Theatre, Introduction to the Theory of Theatre and Film, The History of Dance

Specialization: Theory of Audiovisual and Performing Arts

The Seminar of Criticism of Audiovisual and Performing Arts, the Fundamentals of Stage Directing, Contemporary Theatre, Introduction to the Theory of Theatre and Film, The History of Dance, Research Methods in Arts Studies

Department of Audiovisual Art

The Head of the Programme: lect. Jānis Putniņš,

☎ 67114807 

Ivars Bērziņš
Guest Professor, Professor Emeritus

Doctor of Philosophy Ivars Bērziņš has been a lecturer at the Academy since 1997. He has designed a Master’s program in Cultural Management and has managed a Master’s sub-program in International Media and Cultural Management.

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Dainis Juraga

Dainis Juraga ir Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Nacionālās filmu skolas vadītājs kopš 2024. gada. Viņš ir pieredzējis kinooperators, vairāku dokumentālo filmu autors. Kopš 2019. gada aktīvi iesaistās Nacionālās filmu skolas darbā, sniedzot nozīmīgu ieguldījumu tās attīstībā.

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Pēteris Krilovs

Filmu un teātra režisors. Absolvējis Valsts Vissavienības Kinematogrāfijas institūtu Maskavā (1975). Akadēmijā strādā no 1993.gada. Bijis aktiermeistarības pedagogs Tautas kinoaktieru studijā (1986.-1988), Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijā (1988- 1993.) Daugavpils teātra aktieru kursiem, un teātra režijas pedagogs Latvijas Mākslas Akadēmijā (1993-1997).

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Inga Pērkone-Redoviča
Professor, film researcher, leading researcher of the Scientific Research Center, Head of the theory specialization of the Bachelor’s study program “Audiovisual Art”. Former director of the Riga Film Museum (1993–2004) and the Chief custodian of the funds (1988–1993).

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Jānis Putniņš

Jānis Putniņš ir kino režisors un pedagogs, kurš pašlaik ir Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Nacionālās filmu skolas radošais direktors un docētājs.

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Dāvis Sīmanis

Starptautiski novērtēts un skatītāju atzīts kino un montāžas režisors, publicists, kopš 2013. gada Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Mākslas zinātņu doktors, kino teorijas, montāžas un režijas docents, vienlaikus arī Helsinku Ālto universitātes (Helsinki University of Technology) Dokumentālā kino režijas katedras asociētais profesors. Absolvējis Latvijas Universitāti, iegūstot maģistra grādu vēsturē.

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Zane Šiliņa

Z. Šiliņa holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree from the Academy (dissertation “The Idea of the New World in Rainis’ Dramaturgy”, 2007), she has been working at the Academy since 1996. In 2014, the Senate of the Academy elected Prof. Z. Šiliņa as the Vice-Rector of the Academy in academic work. She regularly participates in scientific conferences both in Latvia and abroad, has also participated in organizing several conferences.

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Andrejs Verhoustinskis

Andrejs Verhoustinskis ir Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas pasniedzējs kopš 2010. gada. Mācījies Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā un Dramatiska Institutet, Stokholmā, Zviedrijā kino un video operatoru specialitātē.

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