Cultural and Arts Management

Annual Admission

Category: Master Studies

Course Brief

  • Language of Tuition: Latvian
  • Full-time graduate programme
  • Number of budget and paid study places: to be specified
  • Tuition fee per year: to be specified
  • Duration of studies: 2 years (4 semesters)
  • Degree to be obtained:  Master of Humanities in Creative Industries
  • Place of study: Latvian Academy of culture (24 Ludzas Street)
  • International mobility opportunities: studies, internships and graduate internships within the ERASMUS + exchange programme, opportunity to use foreign government scholarships and participate in summer schools
  • Head of the programme: assistant professor Kristīne Freiberga


Management of culture is an exciting and responsible area of activity that combines artistic, entrepreneurial and organizational skills to promote cultural growth, the stability of cultural organizations and the lives of individuals and communities. The aim of the programme is to train leaders and project managers of cultural organizations from different sectors.

Studies in this programme provide a range of competencies and include a variety of courses related to management, marketing, cultural policy, creative industries, which prepares one for the practical work in cultural organizations and projects, as well as facilitates networking within the field. Theoretical course in arts and culture increases student's academic potential in the humanities and social sciences, as well as raises awareness of their relations in society.


Following the demand of the labour market, the programme focuses on preparing leaders and project managers of cultural organizations with a fundamental understanding of cultural and artistic processes from the point of you of both the humanities and the social sciences, as well as knowledge and skills in different fields and levels of management. The overall study process provides insight in the basic operation principles in state, municipal, non-governmental and private organizations in the field of culture and arts. For the development of management skills students will be provided with both theoretical and practical courses in project management, event production, marketing, public relations, branding, cultural policy, cultural economics and culture entrepreneurship. Students will also have the opportunity to develop their presentation skills through courses, such as, business etiquette and basics of public speaking.

Theoretical courses in the humanities provide students with the academic background, create the understanding of the inter-relations within the processes of culture and arts and provide students with the necessary knowledge for the development of their master's thesis. The academic body of the programme is represented by industry professionals as well as skilled academics who engage students in organizing various creative and research projects already during their study process as well as after graduation.

The programme also includes two compulsory work placements in either cultural organizations and enterprises in Latvia, which provides an opportunity to test the practical applicability of students' theoretical knowledge in the existing cultural and economic context.


Graduates of this programme will be able to understand the cultural and political context of cultural field, as well as the specifics of management. They will be able to offer innovative ideas in different areas, understand the role and place of culture in society, as well as to raise funds and to establish co-operations for developing culture projects and events. They will be skilled in marketing and project management and will be able to act in compliance with existing legislation. Furthermore, the graduates will be confident in conducting research in culture and to continue their studies at the doctoral level.

1. Research and MA Thesis 30%
2. Work Placement 15%
3. Theory and History of Culture and Arts 16%
4. Management and Marketing 19%
5. Sociology, Economics and Law 9%
6. Entrepreneurship and Creative Industries 11%

Department of Sociology and Management of Culture

The Head of the Programme: Kristīne

More information regarding admission

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Andrejs Balodis
Asociētais profesors

Filozofijas doktors A. Balodis ir Akadēmijas pasniedzējs kopš 2013. gada. Kā pētnieks darbojas Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtā un Rīgas Stradiņa Universitātē pasniedz medicīnas filozofiju, bioētiku un medicīnas socioloģiju.

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Raimonds Briedis

Dr.philol., Kultūras teorijas un vēstures katedras vadītājs un docētājs Akadēmijā kopš 1992. gada. Literatūras vēsturnieks R. Briedis ir vairāku grāmatu autors: “Teksta cenzūras īsais kurss: Prozas teksts un cenzūra padomju gados Latvijā” (2010), “Latviešu literatūras hronika sastatījumā ar notikumiem pasaulē un Latvijā, 1888–1944, 1945–2005” (1–2, 2006), ko Guntis Berelis raksturojis kā “interesantāku lasāmvielu nekā aizraujošu detektīvu”. u.c.

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Kristīne Freiberga

Mākslas maģistre, docente Kristīne Freiberga Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā strādā kopš 2018. gada. Absolvējusi Latvijas Kultūras akadēmiju un ieguvusi gan bakalaura (2012), gan maģistra grādu mākslās (2015). 2020. gadā pabeigusi studijas LKA doktorantūrā, ir doktora grāda pretendente. Paralēli akadēmiskajam darbam strādā kā mākslinieciskās jaunrades projektu vadītāja LKA Radošās darbības centrā. Kopš 2020. gada vada LKA Akadēmiskās maģistra studiju programmas “Mākslas” apakšprogrammu “Kultūras menedžments”.

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Zane Grigoroviča

Docente Zane Grigoroviča darbu Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā uzsāka 2001.gadā pēc bakalaura un maģistra programmu absolvēšanas. Vairāku Pasaules un Latvijas mākslas vēstures un teorijas kursu docētāja, LKA atbalstīto un līdzfinansēto projektu vadītāja un realizētāja. LKA Senāta locekle.

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Agnese Hermane
Associate Professor

PhD Agnese Hermane heads the Department of Cultural Sociology and Management of LAC, she is also director of a common bachelor programme of Latvian Academy of Culture and Riga Technical university "Creative Industries". Before that, she was also been the head of the master's study sub-program "Cultural Management". She is also a research assistant at the Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies of LAC and the secretary of the Senate. Since 2014, A. Hermane has been part of the working group developing future premises of LAC at the former Tobacco factory creative district. 

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Anda Laķe

Anda Laķe, LAC professor, Doctor of sociology ( is the Vice-Rector of the Academy in Scientific Work and the Head of the Scientific Research Center. She started working at the Latvian Academy of Culture in 1997 as a lecturer at the Department of Culture Sociology and Management. In 2004 - 2016 she was the Head of the Department, currently she is a Head of a sub-program “Culture Sociology of and Management” of the LAC academic Bachelor study program “Art”.

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Ivans Jānis Mihailovs

Dr.iur. Ivans Jānis Mihailovs ir Akadēmijas bakalaura un maģistra studiju programmu absolvents, kas savas akadēmiskās un zinātniskās intereses tiesību un kultūras jomā apvieno ar jurista un vadītāja pienākumiem izglītības uzraudzības un kvalitātes vērtēšanas jomā, kā arī docenta amatu Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē.

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Daina Teters

Daina Teters, Doctor of Philosophy, started working at the Latvian Academy of Culture in the second half of the 1990s in parallel with her work at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia.

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Līga Ulberte

Līga Ulberte, associate professor of the CTH Department since 2015, is one of the leading professionals in the field of Latvian theater science and criticism. In 2007, L. Ulberte earned a doctor’s degree in Art History and Theory from the University of Latvia. She works as a researcher at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia. In 2009 - 2010 and 2012-2013 she was a visiting lecturer in the Eastern European Regional Studies Program at the Wilhelm University of Westphalia, Baltic Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Münster (Germany).

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Ieva Zemīte
Associate Professor

Ieva Zemīte, Dr. oec., Business Administration and Management, General, is the director of the joint Master’s study program “Creative Industries and Growth Management” of the Latvian Academy of Culture and Riga Technical University.

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