Professional doctoral study programme in arts “Arts” Sub-programme "Audiovisual Arts, Theatre and Contemporary Dance"

Annual admission

Course Brief




22 July, 2024
Application procedure

Application deadline for applicants from EU, EEE + candidate countries
Application form and application documents must be submited to e-mail: 

  • passport or identity card (eID both sides);
  • document certifying higher education (diploma for obtaining a master's academic degree  in Latvian or English (documents submitted by the applicant in another foreign language must be accompanied by a notarized Latvian or English translation);
  • an application for the thesis project and related theoretical research, agreed with the potential supervisor of the thesis project or the supervisor of the theoretical part of the thesis - a lecturer elected by the Academy (the application must be between 18 000 and 36 000 characters), providing a justification of the thesis project topic and an outline of the research-based thesis project the problems and proposed solutions;
  • be accompanied by letter(s) of recommendation from the Academy's Performing Arts Department, Audiovisual Arts Department or workplace, or letter(s) of recommendation from an appropriate professional;
  • attach a list of your artistic creations and publications (with copies of publications);
  • attach a Curriculum vitae in Europass format, including previous activities in the field of artistic creation and research, as well as information on Bachelor's, Master's or other previous education and foreign language skills;
  • confirmation of payment for the application registration service (EUR 50).
  • proof of English certificate or other acceptable information, according to the set language requirements by LAC

If any of the documents submitted or presented to the Admissions Committee have a different surname (first name) or personal identification number than the surname (first name) or personal identification number in the person's passport or identity card, a copy of the document certifying the change of surname (first name) or personal identification number must be attached.

Persons who have received their previous education abroad have their academic degrees and diplomas examined by the Latvian Academic Information Centre before applying for studies.

Applicants' take an entrance examination "Interview and evaluation of scientific contributions". The entrance examination  is assessed in a 100-point system:
  • Quality of the artistic creative work project and related theoretical research application  (1-30 points);
  • For the institution's artistic creative work project and related theoretical research (artistic creative work, scientific articles, publications, participation in conferences and creative or research projects) (1-20 points);
  • Relevance of the artistic creative work project and the related theoretical research proposal to the Academy's priority research areas (1-15 points);
  • Creative or research skills demonstrated during the Master's degree or equivalent studies, letters of reference and letters of recommendation from a potential supervisor or other references  (1-10 points);
  • Experience of artistic creation or connection with work at the Academy (1-10 points);
  • Applicant's motivation for studying the sub-programme (1-15 points);

Head of the Programme: Assoc. prof., Dr. art. Anita Vaivade,

☎ +371 67140174

Anda Laķe

Anda Laķe, LAC professor, Doctor of sociology ( is the Vice-Rector of the Academy in Scientific Work and the Head of the Scientific Research Center. She started working at the Latvian Academy of Culture in 1997 as a lecturer at the Department of Culture Sociology and Management. In 2004 - 2016 she was the Head of the Department, currently she is a Head of a sub-program “Culture Sociology of and Management” of the LAC academic Bachelor study program “Art”.

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Rūta Muktupāvela

Rūta Muktupāvela, PhD in Theory of Culture, Rector of the Latvian Academy of Culture, Chairman of the Latvian Rectors’ Council, member of The Latvian Council of Science, head of the Latvian National Council of Culture, head of the Association of Art Universities of Latvia, representative of Latvia in UNESCO Intergovernmental Commitee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2017-2021), Professor at the Latvian Academy of Culture, author of more than 50 research publications in Latvia and abroad in the field of theory of culture, ethnology and folkloristics.

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Inga Pērkone-Redoviča
Professor, film researcher, leading researcher of the Scientific Research Center, Head of the theory specialization of the Bachelor’s study program “Audiovisual Art”. Former director of the Riga Film Museum (1993–2004) and the Chief custodian of the funds (1988–1993).

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Dāvis Sīmanis

Starptautiski novērtēts un skatītāju atzīts kino un montāžas režisors, publicists, kopš 2013. gada Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas Mākslas zinātņu doktors, kino teorijas, montāžas un režijas docents, vienlaikus arī Helsinku Ālto universitātes (Helsinki University of Technology) Dokumentālā kino režijas katedras asociētais profesors. Absolvējis Latvijas Universitāti, iegūstot maģistra grādu vēsturē.

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Zane Šiliņa

Z. Šiliņa holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree from the Academy (dissertation “The Idea of the New World in Rainis’ Dramaturgy”, 2007), she has been working at the Academy since 1996. In 2014, the Senate of the Academy elected Prof. Z. Šiliņa as the Vice-Rector of the Academy in academic work. She regularly participates in scientific conferences both in Latvia and abroad, has also participated in organizing several conferences.

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