Number of budget and paid study places: to be specified
Tuition fee per year: to be specified
Duration of studies: four years (8 semesters)
Degree to be obtained: Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Management of Culture
Place of study: Latvian Academy of Culture (24 Ludzas Street)
International mobility opportunities: studies, internships and graduate internships within the ERASMUS + exchange programme, opportunity to use foreign government scholarships and participate in summer schools
The programme aims to provide in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge on culture and society combined with skills and competencies in the management and research of cultural processes.
Potential students who are interested in various cultural and artistic processes and are ready to get involved in the analysis, the cognition, the impulsion and the organization of these processes.
Graduates of this programme establish and work in local and international cultural organizations and projects, are able to collect and analyse data to be utilized for the development of local cultural policy and cultural marketing purposes, as well as organize and produce cultural events, such as concerts, exhibitions, festivals and other. The BA graduates may also continue their studies at the MA level in humanities and social sciences.
1. Culture, Arts and Humanities 30%
Basics of Culture and Arts Studies – Semiotics of Culture – History of Philosophy – Western Philosophy of the 20th Century – The History of World Art – The Trends of Western European Art in the 20th Century – The History of World Literature – The History and Theory of World Music – The History of World Theatre – Logic – Anthropology of Culture – Psychoanalysis and Culture – Religion and Culture – History of Ancient Culture – The History of Latvia: Sources and Historiography – The History of Latvian Art – The History of Latvian Literature – The Theory of Literature
2. Sociology of Culture 25%
General Theory of Sociology – Sociology of Culture – Practise of Applied Research – Introduction to Studies and Speciality – Empirical Social Research – Theories of Modern Sociology – The History of Sociology – Qualitative Research Methods – Statistical Methods in Sociology – Family Sociology – Sociology of Art – Methods of Visual Research
3. Management of Culture 25%
Introduction to Public Relations – The Studies of Marketing – Theory and Practise of Public Relations – Art-based Management Techniques – The Basics of Economics – The Basics of Marketing – The Management of Culture
4. Research 10%
Introduction to Research – Term Paper – Bachelor’s Paper
5. Languages 10%
All students are required to become proficient in one foreign language; however, starting from their third year of studies students can acquire also a second foreign language, as well as the basics of Latin.
Dr.phil. Andrejs Balodis ir Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas pasniedzējs kopš 2013. gada. Pasniedz kursus filozofijā, ētikā, estētikā un loģikā. Ir divu monogrāfiju un vairāku akadēmisku rakstu autors. Piedalās vairākos LZP projektu grantos. Paralēli zinātniskajai un pedagoģiskajai darbībai A. Balodis regulāri piedalās dažādos starpdisciplināros kultūras projektos un vada podkāstu.
Doctor of Philosophy Ivars Bērziņš has been a lecturer at the Academy since 1997. He has designed a Master’s program in Cultural Management and has managed a Master’s sub-program in International Media and Cultural Management.
Dr.philol., Kultūras teorijas un vēstures katedras vadītājs un docētājs Akadēmijā kopš 1992. gada. Literatūras vēsturnieks R. Briedis ir vairāku grāmatu autors: “Teksta cenzūras īsais kurss: Prozas teksts un cenzūra padomju gados Latvijā” (2010), “Latviešu literatūras hronika sastatījumā ar notikumiem pasaulē un Latvijā, 1888–1944, 1945–2005” (1–2, 2006), ko Guntis Berelis raksturojis kā “interesantāku lasāmvielu nekā aizraujošu detektīvu”. u.c.
Teātra zinātniece un kritiķe Valda Čakare ir Akadēmijas profesore kopš 1998. gada. Kultūras portālā Satori par V.Čakari ir teikts, ka viņa “katru dienu runā par teātri. Reizēm arī kaut ko uzraksta”.
Docente Zane Grigoroviča darbu Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā uzsāka 2001.gadā pēc bakalaura un maģistra programmu absolvēšanas. Vairāku Pasaules un Latvijas mākslas vēstures un teorijas kursu docētāja, LKA atbalstīto un līdzfinansēto projektu vadītāja un realizētāja. LKA Senāta locekle.
PhD Agnese Hermane heads the Department of Cultural Sociology and Management of LAC, she is also director of a common bachelor programme of Latvian Academy of Culture and Riga Technical university "Creative Industries". Before that, she was also been the head of the master's study sub-program "Cultural Management". She is also a research assistant at the Institute of Arts and Cultural Studies of LAC and the secretary of the Senate. Since 2014, A. Hermane has been part of the working group developing future premises of LAC at the former Tobacco factory creative district.
Iveta Ķešāne is an Associate Professor at The Latvian Academy of Culture. Her interests include the intersections of emotions, migration, culture, development and state-society relationships. She earned a doctorate in sociology from Kansas State University (USA) in 2016.
Anda Laķe, LAC professor, Doctor of sociology ( is the Vice-Rector of the Academy in Scientific Work and the Head of the Scientific Research Center. She started working at the Latvian Academy of Culture in 1997 as a lecturer at the Department of Culture Sociology and Management. In 2004 - 2016 she was the Head of the Department, currently she is a Head of a sub-program “Culture Sociology of and Management” of the LAC academic Bachelor study program “Art”.
Rūta Muktupāvela, PhD in Theory of Culture, Rector of the Latvian Academy of Culture, Chairman of the Latvian Rectors’ Council, member of The Latvian Council of Science, head of the Latvian National Council of Culture, head of the Association of Art Universities of Latvia, representative of Latvia in UNESCO Intergovernmental Commitee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2017-2021), Professor at the Latvian Academy of Culture, author of more than 50 research publications in Latvia and abroad in the field of theory of culture, ethnology and folkloristics., film researcher, leading researcher of the Scientific Research Center, Head of the theory specialization of the Bachelor’s study program “Audiovisual Art”. Former director of the Riga Film Museum (1993–2004) and the Chief custodian of the funds (1988–1993).
Z. Šiliņa holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree from the Academy (dissertation “The Idea of the New World in Rainis’ Dramaturgy”, 2007), she has been working at the Academy since 1996. In 2014, the Senate of the Academy elected Prof. Z. Šiliņa as the Vice-Rector of the Academy in academic work. She regularly participates in scientific conferences both in Latvia and abroad, has also participated in organizing several conferences.
Ieva Zemīte, Dr. oec., Business Administration and Management, General, is the director of the joint Master’s study program “Creative Industries and Growth Management” of the Latvian Academy of Culture and Riga Technical University.