Kultūras akadēmijā viesojas Teksasas Tehniskās universitātes profesore Linda Donahjū


Otrdien, 14. martā, 15:45-17:15 5. auditorijā notiks Teksasas Tehniskās universitātes (ASV) asociētās profesores Lindas Donahjū (Linda Donahue) vieslekcija “CONTEMPORARY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN PROMOTING ADVOCACY FOR THE ARTS IN THE USA”. Šajā lekcijā doktore Donahjū runās par savu mākslas aizstāvības pieredzi Amerikā un mākslas finansēšanas problēmām jaunā prezidenta valdībā. 

Linda Donahue is the associate director of the School of Theatre and Dance at Texas Tech University in Lubbock Texas, USA where she has recently received the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award.  Additionally, she serves as an Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor, and Head of Arts Administration. Dr. Donahue’s teaching interests include Marketing the Arts, Funding for the Arts, Advocacy for the Arts, Theatre Management, Mentoring Community Outreach, and Professional Career Management. In addition to her academic accomplishments, she is a member of Texans for the Arts, Americans for the Arts, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, and the Association of Arts Administration Educators.  She has directed over 80 theatrical productions.

Organised by Agnese Hermane, Head of Culture Management and Sociology Department