Interesentus aicina pieteikties jaunam studentu orķestrim
Coming September, a string orchestra composed of students and recent graduates from all academies and universities in Riga will start its first project. Any student or recent graduate is welcome to join our open rehearsal on the 18th and 25th of September!
B-Sharp is a brand new academic orchestra created and organized by students and recent academic graduates. Our goal is simply to make music together and enjoy ourselves along the way. The ensemble is conducted by Artūrs Gailis, fresh alumnus of conducting at Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music. On the program are Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings alongside Karlsons’ Evening Prayer, two pieces centered around our theme “In the Evening/Vakarā”.
After the auditions, we will continue rehearsing weekly on Monday evenings until our concert in December.
If you would like to know more about our ensemble, feel free to check out our Facebook page at fb.me/AOBSharp or sign up directly at goo.gl/Y29eXa. Any remaining questions can always be directed either at our E-mail address at BSharpOrchestra@gmail.com or our Facebook page through Facebook Messenger.