Kultūras akadēmijā notiks kino un TV scenāristes Larisas Gūtmanis vieslekcijas
No 25. septembra Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā norisināsies viespasniedzējas Larisas Gūtmanis (Kanāda) vadītais scenārija rakstīšanas kurss, kas primāri būs veltīts īsfilmu scenāriju izveidei, to struktūrai un saistītām tēmām, ietverot praktisku īsfilmas scenārija izveidi.
Nodarbības notiks angļu valodā.
Kursa plāns:
Otrdien, 25.09 plkst 12:00 - 14 Elijas 17, 3.stāvs, Spoguļzālē
Piektdien 28.09. plkst 10:00 (vai 10:15) - 12 Elijas 17, 3 stāvs, Spoguļzālē
Otrdien 2.10 plkst 12:00 - 14, bet var būt līdz 15:45 Elijas 17, 3 stāvs, Spoguļzālē
Piektdien 5.10 plkst 10:00 - 12 Elijas 17, 3 stāvs, Spoguļzālē
Tālākie grafiki tiks precizēti, bet vienmēr būs piektdienās 10 un iespējams kādreiz kāda papildus lekcija, citā dienā.
This course offers comprehensive tools and insights for writing the short film (and
feature films). An overview of various genres and types of short films and feature films
will also be explored. The fundamentals of writing the short film will be examined
through online lectures, written assignments and creative exercises, created to both
inspire and educate.
Learning Outcomes
1. How to convey a compelling story in writing a short film (and feature film)
2. Analyze scripts and films to help structure your story
3. Learn how to plot, build dramatic tension, create memorable characters, and write dialogue
4. Develop workshopping and story editing skills through constructive criticism Mandatory to watch/read: Feature film and script: Juno (2007) by Diablo Cody
Other feature films referenced and shown in class (not mandatory to watch):
The Graduate, American Beauty, Moonlight, Despicable Me, Frances Ha, Fight Club, Get Out, Gone Girl, Juno, Casablanca, Bridesmaids, The Dark Knight, The Princess Bride, Scarface, Annie Hall, Enough Said, Nightcrawler, Memento, The Wizard of Oz… and more…
No oktobra 2. vai 3. nedēļas, sāksies otrs Larisas Gūtmanis lekciju kurss par televīzijai domātu scenāriju izveidi, to struktūru, ietverot praktisku rakstīšanu - par šī kursa norises laiku, informācija būs oktobra sākumā.
Par vieslektori
Larisa Gutmanis (B.A., M.A.) has worked in the film and television industry for over twenty years in the areas of production, acquisitions, distribution, and marketing. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada within the Latvian community, she has worked at Alliance Atlantis in Toronto, HBO Films in New York, and is presently the Co-Producer for Ontario Creates' International Financing Forum, the co-financing / co-production film market at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). A graduate of the feature film screenwriting program at the Canadian Film Centre and the Praxis Story Editing Program, she also works as a story editor and screenplay evaluator for several film production companies and teaches screenwriting at the University of Toronto, media studies at Ryerson University. She has received development funding from the Creative Europe MEDIA Fund for her fish-out-of-water drama/comedy, "Inheritance," and is currently developing several feature film projects including a television series. Larisa has served on several film juries for Telefilm Canada, Ontario Creates, and the Female Eye Film Festival.